Cloud IT Services

Cloud IT Administrations for clients everywhere.

FredIT is a Cloud IT specialist co-op offering a scope of Cloud Administrations to little to medium estimated organizations in the Nearby Government region and more extensive city district.

The right cloud items can assist you with bringing down costs, upgrade correspondence, rouse coordinated effort, work on cooperation, increment efficiency and further develop your administration contributions. FredIT offers Cloud arrangements customized to every client’s necessities. Our administrations incorporate facilitated servers, cloud framework, capacity, reinforcements, mixture cloud, security, cloud PBX telephones, office 365, and proficient help.

Our distributed computing group can rapidly and safely convey virtual work areas and applications that will empower your clients all around the world to work more astute and all the more proficiently.

Hosted Server

Regardless of whether you’re another business, existing or hoping to go facilitated and potentially require a norm or completely redid committed server arrangement, we can give it to you – crossover cloud or totally facilitated. We’ve collaborated with driving suppliers to surrender you the time and adaptability you want.


Hybrid Cloud

FredIT give simplicity of brain to your clients all around the world by facilitating your basic applications and important information in the cloud. While as yet having the option to effortlessly get to them from your distant office or home.


Office 365

The advantages of Microsoft Office 365 are interminable, architected to give you the security, unwavering quality and availability your clients all around the world requirements – whenever, anyplace and monetarily upheld with a 99.9% uptime, which is ensured 100% of the time.


Cloud Back-up

FredIT completely oversaw cloud back-up assistance uses AES 256 encryption to safeguard your business information.



Cloud PBX Phones

FredIT are pros at changing your present telephone framework into a practical Cloud PBX telephone Arrangement.


Own less, do more. Zero infrastructure, zero worries.